The Great Exchange

30/30 Prayer Challenge: Day 3 I stumble out of bed. Fatigue and nagging pain scream this is silly, that my time, especially in such a helpless state, would be better spent asleep. Yes I’m weak. Yes, I’m needy. Yes, I’m aware there’s no good in me to face the day. My need is raw and […]

Holy Is His Name

From: Images for Holiness: That description can only apply to One. God is Holy. There is not even a shadow of a hint of sin or fear or despair or sickness or bitterness or unforgiveness in Him. Not. One. Drop. Therefore, the more we immerse ourselves in Him, the more we call on His […]

The Cross Through Jesus’ Eyes

Recently, to honor the passing of one of our favorite actors, my family viewed the incredible movie Dead Poet’s Society. In one iconic scene, Robin Williams, as the eccentric Professor Keating, tells his students that he steps up on his desk to “remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.”

A Prophecy of Hope

Over the past decade of daily prayer, I’ve often wondered that God has never sounded the alarm in my heart instructing us to stockpile, build a stronghold or otherwise prepare for tribulation. This morning, He spoke of the coming shaking but it was in an entirely different tone.

When Prayer. Is. Hard.

I admit, it’s a blow to faith when God moves in a powerful way yet the ones for whom you prayed still deal with hellish circumstances.

The Touch of the Master’s Hand

To our modern ears, the concept of servant or submission sounds horrible. The thought of subjecting our will to God’s will sounds reprehensible, especially since most authority on display around us is self-seeking, power hungry or just flat-out evil. But the biblical concept of “losing our lives for Christ’s sake” is truly the only path […]

And The Violent Take It By Force

What does most of the world see when they look at the Body of Christ today? They see a mass of people who claim Jesus as Lord but remain unchanged in temperament, in the way they conduct their lives.

Something to Ponder

God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plans His footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines of never failing skill, He treasures up His bright designs and works His sovereign will. ~Hymn and Lyrics by William Cowper William Cowper, author of this amazing hymn, “God […]

Who’s On First?

When I woke this morning about 1 ½ hours past when I had planned to, the first thought from God as I glared at the clock was, “Who is your God?”

Boom! As usual, He cuts right to the heart of the issue.

God’s Chrysalis

The difference between a fat caterpillar and a butterfly is startling. Obvious transformation occurs. No one has to ask if there is a difference because the thing looks, acts, and even feeds differently.