From: Images for Holiness:
That description can only apply to One.
God is Holy. There is not even a shadow of a hint of sin or fear or despair or sickness or bitterness or unforgiveness in Him.
Not. One. Drop.
Therefore, the more we immerse ourselves in Him, the more we call on His name and grapple with the fact He is Good, He is Love, He is the author of all life and all that makes life worth living; the more we allow the wrong conceptions about Him to melt away in His scalding love, the more His character and personality and Holiness overtake us. Immersed in His transformational presence, all fear, wrong desires, bondage, hatred and every other horrible thing that infects our minds, bodies and world—cannot stand. Like the walls of Jericho, as we show up day by day and march around the strongholds Satan has erected in our path, there comes a day those walls have to crash.
But our job is not to determine how many days. Our job is to stand faithful in the knowledge He is Good, He is Holy, His love never fails—and He has never been, never is, and never will be anything but Holy.
No other entity or god or thing we could worship could ever be described with that word–Holy.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. The whole earth is filled with His glory.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was, and is, and is to come.
Child of the One True King, wife to the best man alive, mom to four VERY unique human beings & author of two bestsellers:
The Fall &
with more on the way.