Today I’m featuring Precarious Yates, a middle grade author who has TWO books, The Heart of the Caveat Whale & Pyromarne FREE today on Amazon Kindle! Go grab ’em quick. You can thank me later.  😉

Amazon FREE Link for Pyromarne and The Captives


The Heart of the Caveat Whale is a story about an orphan named Shunda, a warrior named Qoshonni and a prince named Mookori. In the first book, The Captives, Shunda meets Mookori and befriends him while he looks for other aquavians, those who can live in water and on land. He learns that aquavians, human-like beings that love peace, laughter and growing things, have been corrupted to fight for the MerKing.

In Book 2, Pyromarne, Shunda leaves his friend, Mookori, to find allies to help them fight the MerKing. But the MerKing has a secret weapon no one anticipates.

These books are filled with poetry and songs around the stories. Here is one of the songs below:

A song from The Captives, book 1 of The Heart of the Caveat Whale.

Before there was time, Elenonia spoke

And time took shape in spheres and globes

Expanding through emptiness, nothingness

Careening into the universe.

Stars were scattered by his right hand,

Suns and moons with his left,

The heavens exploded into showers of glory

Mirroring his radiance.


In the hollow of his palms he created the land

Blowing back the water, carving the mountain.

The waters teemed with life at his command:

As various as the colors in the sun.


He covered the land with flower and tree,

Rock and animal, bird of wing,

He gave them voice and taught them to sing:

Their worshipful voices still echoing.


From dust and water he molded tiny figures

His joy, his love, his breath he shared with them,

Some for the deep, some for the shallows,

Some of us for the drier land.


On that day he sang and danced,

The morning stars hummed sweet melody

For their beauty, each figure, reflected his own

Little glimpses of his majesty.


Our life began in the best of ways

Displayed through laughter and dance and play,

Echoing through the universe was

This song of joy, night and day.


For days and years innumerable,

The song undulated unceasing

We ate from the hands of angels sweet

And found his waters pleasing.


Clothed with skin, he walked and swam

We delighted in holy company.

He let us create the names of his creation!

Father and friend

Father and friend

Father and friend and companion.


Some voices broke and cracked,

Fumbling in our joy

Pursuing to make on our own an existence

That fateful day when one complained

And we all joined discordant song


We were alone –

Defiant, despondent, demanding alone.

He called and we hid,

He sang, we were silent.


Land and sea mimicked our hostility.


Still he would call, still he would sing.

Stars wept, moon mourned, sun singed –

Defiant, despondent, demanding we sang

An enemy of our hearts we would not unhinge.


Death we longed for and death it came:

So few remembered the possibility of joy.

Long we swam and walked and strayed,

Until his voice again we longed for.


‘Peace, peace,’ he sang ‘there will be:

Sing in harmony sing in rhythm!

I tire not of you; I have not lost my patience –

My love for you shall be an anthem.’


A voice responded, a clear gorgeous tone,

The aquavian father, he sang alone;

Joy swelled in the heart of his people.

‘For you,’ said Elenonia, ‘a life genuine

A life deliberate, a life long

Where your bodies will not grow old nor your hands grow feeble.’


All us others, we shut our ears,

Leaned on the fault of our own desire.

Would we have chosen otherwise

Seeing the consequence in our mire?


Shut not your ears to the song.

Listen, sing, of beauty immeasurable

This father, friend and companion,

His holy fellowship is attainable.




Pyromarne is also FREE for the Kindle Tuesday 11/13/12 through Thursday 11/15/12


Link: Offered FREE on Amazon TODAY


The Captives is FREE for the Kindle Wednesday 11/14/12 through Thursday 11/15/12





Author Precarious Yates lives 500 miles from the closest beach but hopes that will change. When she’s not dreaming about tropical paradises, she teaches homeschool, plays tag, cares for her chickens, and works to raise awareness about modern slavery.

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