Feminine version w/ Hebrew charmsThis Christmas I made several of what are called “Jesus Bracelets” for family and friends. One morning in prayer I was bemoaning the fact I couldn’t make one for a dear Jewish friend. God whispered to my heart, “It’s the same story.” My mind started spinning.
I’m a very non-artsy-craftsy person so ya gotta know these are simple in concept although the meaning is profound. (Blame that part on God)
Items needed:
1. Stretchy clear craft cord: Mine is 8 mm
2. Assorted beads to tell the story: We have a fantastic shop close to us called The Bead Source that is all about jewelry and beading. Before them I was running into a wall trying to obtain specific beads. Save yourself the trouble and search out a store likely to have a great selection. (Learn from my mistake of running all over town and wasting time: Michaels, Target, Jo Ann Fabrics, & Wal-Mart did not have enough variety.)
3. Superglue to dob on your final knot to make sure it’s secure.
Helpful tips:
Measure extra on each end for easy tying. Tie a double knot to begin and leave at least a 2 inch “tail.” Be careful to vary the size of beads so your bracelet doesn’t come out too long or short. Have a variety of each type of bead. That way each bracelet turns out unique.
The more masculine version we made for hubby–no bling or dangles
The Bible Bracelet Story scroll that accompanies each bracelet. About 4″ long.
I used a half sheet of paper for each double story. This means I had to make the font as small as possible (8 pt.) to make it fit. Smaller is cool too but make sure folks can still read it.
Happy beading!
Child of the One True King, wife to the best man alive, mom to four VERY unique human beings & author of two bestsellers:
with more on the way.
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