Let It Go (guest author)

My friend Dilyse Diaz is an awesome Family Therapist with a tender heart toward God. She sent this devotion today in her “You Are Worthy” series and it was just too good to keep to myself.  Enjoy!  Chana


Let It Go!

“Why God, WHY?  Why did this happen to me?  Why did you take her so soon? Why did this person have  a terminal illness?  Why didn’t he get the promotion?  Why didn’t you save him but rescued her?  Why did you put me in this family?  Why didn’t you heal my marriage?  Why are you allowing this to happen?  Why is this child born with no limbs?  Why is my child struggling with life and being self-destructive?  Why haven’t you stepped in?  Why did you let me make that mistake?  Why did let this happen like this?  Why!?!”

Angrily yelling at God because we just can’t fathom a reason that He would ever let this happen is a far too common rut we get ourselves in.