My friend Dilyse Diaz is an awesome Family Therapist with a tender heart toward God. She sent this devotion today in her “You Are Worthy” series and it was just too good to keep to myself. Enjoy! Chana
Let It Go!
“Why God, WHY? Why did this happen to me? Why did you take her so soon? Why did this person have a terminal illness? Why didn’t he get the promotion? Why didn’t you save him but rescued her? Why did you put me in this family? Why didn’t you heal my marriage? Why are you allowing this to happen? Why is this child born with no limbs? Why is my child struggling with life and being self-destructive? Why haven’t you stepped in? Why did you let me make that mistake? Why did let this happen like this? Why!?!”
Angrily yelling at God because we just can’t fathom a reason that He would ever let this happen is a far too common rut we get ourselves in. Are you holding on so tightly to your anger because you don’t understand why something turned out the way it did? Have you been angry because you just don’t understand why God would allow this to happen? Are you still bitter that you don’t have answers because nothing seems to make sense and God hasn’t “bothered” to reveal “sufficient” answers to you? What is your “why” that you are hanging on to?
Once you answer this question, ask yourself this, “Does it help me or hurt me to continue clinging to my control of my need to know an answer that makes sense to ME as to “why” this has happened?”
If you are honest with yourself, you will admit that you hurt yourself and hinder your life when you hang on to your control and your need to know “why.” Hanging on to this frustration, anger, bitterness and negativity is as if you are falling into a deep rut in the middle of the road and as you look up, there is also a boulder in your way that is so tall and so wide that it’s impossible to move forward. You are officially “stuck.”
I recently heard a very good saying at church that applies to futile attempts to control that which we CANNOT change; “Be careful of the rut you get yourself in because you may be stuck there an awfully long time!” All the while, stuck in your rut of despair, you are missing out on the greatness that God has awaiting you.
I have learned that the sooner I surrender my control to needing to understand “why” and instead switch gears to focusing on who God IS, I find peace. Ahhhh, sweet “acceptance” of the things I cannot change. What a concept. I also find relief in not needing to know all the answers. When I thank God for being God, all mighty, all knowing and all powerful, I relieve myself of the burden I had mistakenly been carrying around on my shoulders. A weight is lifted by putting my energy into letting go of that which I cannot change and instead focusing on what I can change (which is every thought, behavior, and action). Accepting that I may not ever figure out the circumstantial “why” but instead, intently shifting my focus toward “TRUTH” about God, really helps me surrender my control and be okay letting go. I KNOW God is bigger, better, stronger, smarter, and He KNOWs what is best for my life.
Surrendering is like saying, “God, I trust you.” Remind yourself: God is in control. He is directing my steps. He is a loving and just God. God is fair. God is FAITHFUL. Our circumstances are often not fair but God IS fair. God promises that if we unclench our white-knuckled grasp on our situation, He will work it out for a greater good (His definition of what HE knows to be good—NOT what our tiny human minds can fathom). “God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”Romans 8:28
If you choose to stop holding on to negativity, bitterness, and false sense of control, you begin to make yourself available for ALL that God has in store for your life. More opportunities are awaiting you. Make a powerful decision to loosen your exhausting grasp on the finished situation and choose rest for your soul. Stop trying to change things you CANNOT change. YOU can decide to let go of the old stuff so that you create room for the new stuff God wants to fill your life with. God says He will give you beauty for your ashes. Let Him. Let Go.
“A man’s steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand His own way.” Proverbs 20:24
When things make sense to us, ask God to give you strength to let go and tell Him you trust Him. Live in a way that reflects your faith. Create a place in your brain that is a compartment just for God. If you don’t understand something, place it in this box that only belongs to God. Appreciate God for being a loving, caring, protective God and tell Him you know that if He wants you to know “why” then He will tell you. But if He chooses not to, you thank Him for protecting you and loving you enough to withhold that from you.
It is God’s privilege to conceal things. When you go through things you don’t understand, remind yourself that God is planting a seed for what is yet to come. God is birthing more opportunities that as you move forward in faith, you will be available to accept what gifts God has in store just for you.
Where you are going is MUCH more fulfilling than where you have been. Be like David in Psalm 131:1,2 “I do not concern myself with matters that are too great for me. I have quieted and stilled my soul.” David releases His questions, doubts, and fears to God, and COMPLETELY trusted Him to know and do what was best for his life and he “quieted” his restless spirit. You can do that too. Quiet and still your soul. You can choose to do this. Isn’t it time that you stop believing that you can control everything? Stretch your arms up to God and slowly, intentionally open up your stubbornly closed fists and surrender it all over to Him. He is waiting for you. He wants to take your anguish, and your “stuckness,”and replace your stumbling blocks with solid stepping stones.
His way is the best way. Trust in Him and you will have a life you never thought possible. A life He has been waiting to give you. God says in Isaiah 46:9-10, “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.'”
God’s hand is ALWAYS at work. Even though we don’t know how or why something is what it is, we don’t need to know. What we do need to know is that he takes the unjust and makes it just. He turns evil into His good. He takes betrayal and opens up a door to a greater life. What you thought was a stumbling block is actually a stepping stone. In scripture it reaffirms that “Now we know in part but one day we will know in full.” 1 Corinthians 13:2
Our plans are limited and ordinary, but when we choose to trust God that the plans He has, and the journey of our life is in His hands, we open up our hearts for extra ordinary plans He has designed for each of us.
Today’s Prayer: Father, Jesus, take the wheel. You know the best road map for my life. I am going to stay in faith and believe that you can miraculously figure out that for which I do not have a clue. I turn my control over to accepting that Your reasons are far too complicated for me to understand at this time. I believe that you do have my best interest in mind, always. There is something better in store. You love me too much to do it my way, and I believe that. I pray, Father, that not my will be done, but Lord, let YOUR will be done. I trust you to have a much better plan than I do. (I have to inject an incredible “God moment” just now. I kid you not… I have had the Christian radio playing on my television and as I have been writing and at exactly this point in this prayer, Carrie Underwood’s “Jesus take the Wheel” began playing. Seriously???????? Wow. Cool stuff. She is belting out, “I know I have to change. I can’t do this on my own. I am letting go. So give me one more chance. Save me from this road I am on. Jesus, take the wheel.” God, you are so amazing.) God, I am letting you in to take control over my wheel, so that I can finally… Let it Go. Thank you for your love, AMEN.
Have an amazing day everyone! It’s now 8:01 a.m. and I am off to the gym and then to work! Praise God for this new day!!!!
Dilyse Diaz, L.M.F.T.
Please visit my website:
Thanks so much, Dilyse, for lending your wisdom. You are one awesome lady!