The Touch of the Master’s Hand
To our modern ears, the concept of servant or submission sounds horrible. The thought of subjecting our will to God’s will sounds reprehensible, especially since most authority on display around us is self-seeking, power hungry or just flat-out evil. But the biblical concept of “losing our lives for Christ’s sake” is truly the only path […]
Something to Ponder
God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plans His footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines of never failing skill, He treasures up His bright designs and works His sovereign will. ~Hymn and Lyrics by William Cowper William Cowper, author of this amazing hymn, “God […]
6 Steps to Effective Prayer
I would call it “Prayer for Dummies” but prayer is the smartest decision we can make.
This is just a template. God loves our uniqueness and is creative so go with His flow. Like snowflakes or fingerprints, no two prayer times are identical.
I Have a Dream
God has to stretch my limited viewpoint, and often He uses dreams to do this. Take my ability to intercede for those who seem to have it all. I guess it was time for some stretching.
The Most Dangerous, Harmful Belief
If we come to the Bible without a heart that is fully convinced of God’s overwhelming love that truly wishes none to perish, then many scriptures will seem to underscore our belief that some are born evil and some are born good—or rather that some are redeemable and some are not.
This has been one of the, if not THE, most harmful doctrines in history.
Featured on Grace & Faith 4 U Authors Blog
My article about 24/7 Prayer is featured this week on the Grace & Faith Authors Blog! So excited! What an amazing group of encouraging writers. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! Here’s the link:
Tell Me Again Why I’m Doing This?
What do you get when you take a gorgeous backyard, candlelight, yummy cake, pineapple, tropical juice, several avid readers, a cute dog and the luxury of two relaxed hours? For me, it was just what the doctor ordered. This week’s book club get-together discussing THE FALL, with it’s Garden of Eden theme–clear down to […]
A Modern-day Paul
When it comes to the subject of the biography I’m working on, this surprisingly fit former football coach with the southern twang, teasing manner and unassuming servant’s persona who has some amazing stories to tell—remarkable stories… stories that sound unbelievable—I had to make a decision pretty quick. But as this venerable missionary is prone […]
The Untamed Lion
I remember my first 24/7 Prayer experience. I had signed up for a crazy hour, like 2 a.m, and I took my then-8-yr-old son with me. When we stepped into the black light-bathed room with fluorescent expressions of people’s heart’s cry to God splashed all over the papered walls, my son exclaimed, “This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!”
Interview/Giveaway/Feature on Simply Kayla!
She’s still in high school, usually enjoys and reviews erotica/romance (parent alert!)–but she reviewed THE FALL–even featured a lengthy interview. Thank you SOO much, Kayla, for stepping out of your usual genre and showing tons of hospitality! Click Here to enter the giveaway and check out the interview. It’s so great to get some of […]