Why Do I Talk About Sex to High School Students?
Why do I do this? Is it because I enjoy grossing you out with horror stories of what can happen, the tales of sterility and pain and nasty, nightmare growths in unmentionable places—even the possibility of dying due to disease: Am I bored? Not enough to do with a husband, four kids and a writing career I love? Is it money?
Nah. This is for free.
Featured on Grace & Faith 4 U Authors Blog
My article about 24/7 Prayer is featured this week on the Grace & Faith Authors Blog! So excited! What an amazing group of encouraging writers. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! Here’s the link: http://graceandfaith4u.com/2012/09/24/freefalling-how-247-prayer-changed-my-life/
The Untamed Lion
I remember my first 24/7 Prayer experience. I had signed up for a crazy hour, like 2 a.m, and I took my then-8-yr-old son with me. When we stepped into the black light-bathed room with fluorescent expressions of people’s heart’s cry to God splashed all over the papered walls, my son exclaimed, “This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!”