I hit a bit of a wall of bummed-out-ness yesterday when I realized, like we all must at one time or another, that someone else holds the cards therefore… we’re screwed.
This book business, like any other, is about money and, unfortunately, this generally means that everyone makes some… except for the author.
As I faced this hard reality (my rose-colored glasses couldn’t keep out the truth forever) I began a slow descent into frustration and even despair. I was getting first-hand knowledge of why so many local businesses are struggling or closing their doors for good. I was getting really angry at Goliath, er, Amazon.
But, that was the perfect catalyst for a reboot.
I brought the disillusionment, anger and helplessness to God today. He had a few things to say:
1) What was the impetus for this whole venture? Was it to sell books? Or was it a deep longing to know God better and make Him known?
2) If ya don’t like the rules, play a different game. This world is adept at pursuing a buck, but what about the pursuit of what will truly feed the heart and soul for a lifetime—even for eternity?
3) Check your aim. Was the arrow of my life still flying true, namely straight for the heart of God, or was it getting a bit warped? I want to be wise, want to have good business-sense, but as a novice, this stuff can get overwhelming–and therefore sneak it’s way onto the throne. Kick it off.
4) This thing has been supernatural all along–don’t get caught up in the “natural” at this stage. Without prayer, there would be no book. Without supernatural tenacity and encouragement, it never would’ve gotten finished. Without God’s breath in the message, people wouldn’t be touched. He’s got a plan for distribution and all that stuff as well.
This book is simply a tool, and it’s turning out to be a good one. I’ve had so many conversations with readers about issues brought to the surface, hurts healed, hunger for God’s presence, deeper understanding about biblical narrative, the communion of prayer—and that’s what it’s all about. It’s an honor beyond words.
Even Amazon is a tool. No, the terms don’t seem fair, but through them, more people will have access to THE FALL. That’s a good thing. I choose gratitude.
This novel is also a wonderful forced challenge since every day is a chance to stretch, grow, and, occasionally, break.
Therefore, to God goes the frustration—and to God be the glory.
Bottom line: perhaps someone else holds the cards, but God holds everything. I’m aiming for HIS definition of success—obedience, helping folks to hunger and thirst for what will truly fulfill, making my Heavenly Father smile, ushering his hurting kids into His presence–ya know, keeping first things first.
That’s a treasure that will never rust, one that no thief can steal.
Chana Keefer is the sister, daughter, and granddaughter of pastors.
Her fresh perspective stems from a background in journalism,
missions, acting, and writing for print and live theater. Her favorite
things are God, family, and the written word but she also brakes for
chocolate, old barns, and people who live passionately. She and her family reside in southern California.
Click the link at the top of the page to order your copy of The Rapha Chronicles, Book 1: THE FALL