Could I ask a super-important favor from you amazing folks who have been so supportive through this whole book venture?

As you go about your shopping for friends and family, and you find yourself in a bookstore–ANY bookstore–Any store that SELLS books–ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD–would you please approach the customer service desk and ask for THE FALL by Chana Keefer??

There has been a bit of hold-up on making copies available for point-of-purchase sales.  It’s like, “When there’s enough demand, THEN we can make them available.”

Call it a Catch 22: the publisher can’t send books until the bookstores request them and they won’t request copies until they’re convinced they will MOVE.

Yes, this is an uphill battle, but we have to deal with things as they are, not as we wish they could be.

Therefore, let’s have them all scratching their heads at this groundswell of interest in an obscure book written by some no-name in So Cal.

Even though my percentage from sales goes down–way down–when they are sold on Amazon or in bookstores, the goal is to get copies into as many hands as possible and the way to do that is to make THE FALL available in as many venus as possible.

It ain’t about profits, it’s about effectiveness.

Your enthusiasm and support mean more than I can say.  (I would try to express it, but then this post would be WAY too long 🙂  Just understand that reader feedback and unexpected support have been a VERY sweet aspect of this venture–providing that all important boost of perspective that reminds me what this is all about–knowing Jesus and making Him known.

To God be the glory.

From a very grateful author,


Chana Keefer is the sister, daughter, and granddaughter of pastors.
Her fresh perspective stems from a background in journalism,
missions, acting, and writing for print and live theater. Her favorite
things are God, family, and the written word but she also brakes for
chocolate, old barns, and people who live passionately. She and her
family reside in southern California. 

Click the link at the top of the page to order your personalized/signed copy of The Rapha Chronicles, Book 1: THE FALL

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