Great Love For Life: How to Find & Keep Love That Truly Satisfies
New Release!
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR LIFE-LONG LOVE BUT ONLY FINDING TRAIN WRECKS & DUMPSTER FIRES? Great Love For Life is Within Your Grasp! Great Love For Life helps those who’ve been beat up by relational devastation find healing, hope, & the tools to experience exquisite, life-giving love that keeps getting better as time goes by. Chana Keefer will be your guide out of dysfunction, heartbreak, & poor choices with God-centered advice & gut-honest, sometimes hilarious, stories from her life & the lives of brave contributors who share their hard-won wisdom. Great Love For Life will give you a clear path to a healthy self-image, a life of fulfillment, & intimate love that gives you wings to fly. Stop believing the lie you are just a pile of out-of-control hormones doomed to relational failure. You were created for GREAT LOVE but the voices screaming from all sides in life work hard to convince you you’re: Unworthy, Unattractive, Insignificant, Damaged Goods, Doomed to keep making the same mistakes that leave you broken & confused. But you CAN thrive with exclusive, deep love that lasts! Again, that’s what you are created for. GREAT LOVE FOR LIFE will teach you to: Believe you are WORTHY of Great Love. Find healing from painful emotions & experiences. Get free from self-sabotaging beliefs. Become a secure, life-long love giver & receiver. Read more on Amazon.com
2 Free Gifts for You!
10 Signs of a Toxic Relationship
10 Signs They Might Be The ONE!
These beautiful, printable reminders of what to look for in a healthy relationship (& what to avoid) are a personal reference you will turn to again & again.
Are you a youth leader? The short explanations for each point provide the perfect outline for a powerful presentation about sexual choices.
Are you the parent, grandparent or mentor of teens or young adults? These 10 Signs lists are THE tool you need to prompt conversations about sexual responsibility & self-worth. Frame them & hang on the wall for a constant reminder.
Have a friend who keeps getting involved with the wrong guy or girl? Please get this into their hands!
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