Something to Ponder

God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plans His footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines of never failing skill, He treasures up His bright designs and works His sovereign will. ~Hymn and Lyrics by William Cowper William Cowper, author of this amazing hymn, “God […]

God’s Chrysalis

The difference between a fat caterpillar and a butterfly is startling. Obvious transformation occurs. No one has to ask if there is a difference because the thing looks, acts, and even feeds differently.

What’s your Theology on Tragedy?

Had an interesting conversation with my favorite 80 year-old Catholic priest this morning. Normally he is lively and teasing. Today he still teased but he moved a bit slower and the smiles didn’t reach his eyes, eyes filled with sadness. I didn’t even have to ask if he’d seen the news. 

Are You Going to Continue This Craziness?

I was struggling this morning—again—with the call God has put on my life and writing compared to the paltry-seeming effectiveness of my daily efforts. My hubby, as usual, was very supportive; praying, rubbing my back, letting me vent, etc. As he was praying, God brought to mind Abraham and the promise that “I will make […]

A Christmas Resolution

And I looked ‘round at the world, at all the wars and strife and I thought, “Dear Jesus, if only we were about to welcome You into the world in the flesh once more.” And He replied, “But that’s what it was all for… Me, coming into the world, in the flesh, through you–millions and […]

The Untamed Lion

I remember my first 24/7 Prayer experience.  I had signed up for a crazy hour, like 2 a.m, and I took my then-8-yr-old son with me.  When we stepped into the black light-bathed room with fluorescent expressions of people’s heart’s cry to God splashed all over the papered walls, my son exclaimed, “This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!”